
Step into the lives and worlds of our ever-growing selection of cultural icons who were prominently influential in the 1960s. We know there are many more still to cover, so feel welcome to nominate your favourites for future addition to this section of the website!

Victoria Brooke

United Kingdom
Victoria Brooke

Victoria Brooke

Kenneth Anger


Kenneth Anger

Bob Colacello


Bob Colacello

Ossie Clark

Fashion Designer

Ossie Clark

Salvador Dalí

Books about Salvador Dalí
Carl Van Vechten, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Salvador Dalí portrait with a flower and tiger pattern background (1939)
Surrealist Artist

Salvador Dalí

Loulou de La Falaise

Fashion Muse & Jewellery Designer

Loulou de La Falaise

Andy Warhol

Books about Andy Warhol
United States
Lasse Olsson / Pressens bild, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons (Cropped)
Promotional photograph of Andy Warhol in Moderna Museet, Stockholm, posing in front of Brillo boxes before the opening of his retrospective exhibition (1968)
Artist, Film Director & Producer

Andy Warhol

Martin Luther King Jr

Civil Rights Activist, Baptist Minister, Author

Martin Luther King Jr

Nicky Samuel

Fashion model

Nicky Samuel